54 Tingira Close, Rainbow Beach, QLD 4581

Sold Price: 480,000 (12 Apr 2021)
UNDER OFFER - Rainbow Beach - A rare 1,002 m2 block of land to plan your dreams

With a 10x7.5x3.3 class 10 shed, all decked out for that quiet weekend get away. All you need, is to bring your supplies as everything is set up for you to relax and put the feet up.

We've left everything in the kitchen from toasters, cooking equipment to plates and cutlery. The bedroom has a king sized bed with clean/protected mattress, including 2nd TV and air-conditioning..

The shed has loads of storage on mezzanine flooring.

The shed is Council approved, plumbed into sewer and electrical connected.

The block is flat with many possibilities of your dream home.

And of course only minutes away from the most beautiful beaches and the gateway to Fraser Island, just north of Noosa Heads.

You may not be able to see the water but you can hear the waves tumbling in at night and sometimes when the tide is in you'd think its just on your doorstep.
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