Frequently Asked Questions
Can't find an answer to your question? Contact us - we're here to help!

Sign-ups & Payments
From the moment you sign up, you'll be able to start creating your advertisement within five minutes, and can be on sites like within a few hours. Here you'll find any questions you may have about the signup process.
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Creating & Managing Your Listing
You control your listing. Our systems and proprietary software allow you to login to your account with us and make any changes to your listing 24/7 from any computer connected to the Internet anywhere in the world.
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Enquiry Handling & Property Stats
Automation done to perfection! Our enquiry handling systems ensure fast, efficient, and accurate processing of all enquiries in real-time, and without intervention being necessary by us.
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'For Sale' Signs
It's a great idea to have a 'For Sale' board outside your property. It helps buyers identify the property and also lets the neighbourhood know you are selling. Here you'll find answers to questions you may have about our boards.
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Property Brochures
We supply you with a print-ready PDF brochure of your property and contact details. These brochures are ideal to hand out to buyers at inspections, or simply to drop in a few neighbours' mail boxes to generate more local interest. A professional marketing tool to give each prospective buyer.
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Property Sales Reports
Our property reports will give you lots of valuable information about property prices in your area. The more information you have the more powerful you are. The property reports you will receive list actual sales data for your street and suburb over the last 10 years or so.
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Miscellaneous Questions
A few general questions about using our services. Can't find the answer to your specific question? Get in touch and we'll be more than happy to address any and all questions you may have.
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